Introducing cards, stacks and boxes

Shooglebox is based on capturing individual pieces of information as a card with a visual front and space on the back to capture additional details, as well as links and connections.

You collect cards within boxes – you can have as few or as many boxes as you want.


To make a new box go to the All boxes page and click the purple + in the bottom right-hand corner. Give your box a name, choose a background colour and, if you want, a cover image.

Create a box.png

The things you save in Shooglebox are turned into cards with a thumbnail and description on the front. Here’s an example of a box of cards made from saving links to YouTube videos, web pages and social media posts, as well as notes and photos of recipes.

Recipe cards.png

You can edit the front of a card to make it look just the way you want – choosing from different layout options, cropping or changing the thumbnail, and editing and formatting text.

Front of card editor.png

When you click on a card to turn it over you’ll find the material you’ve saved on the back – in this case a playable YouTube video embed.

Embedded player.png

One of the things people love most about Shooglebox is the ability to edit and build on the material you’ve saved, adding more information, images and links to the back of a card.

​In this example, a list of ingredients and instructions has been added to the back of the card, using the card editor to choose different heading and body text sizes as well as adding things like bulleted lists and block quotes.

Edit the back of card.png

With Shooglebox Pro you can also create stacks of cards within a box – useful if you want a more structured view of your material.


When you’re using a desktop web browser or the mobile app, use the big purple PLUS bottom right to add things to a box.

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