How to create cards with quotes

Shooglebox is a great way to squirrel away all the interesting things you come across – web links, photos, quotes, videos, documents, things people are saying on social media...

And then come back to review it all in a really visual way that helps you spot things to use again.

When you create a card in Shooglebox you can format the text so that specific words or phrases stand out – a useful way of capturing quotations you want to come back to. Just turn off Auto fit and highlight the text you want to format – like the person's name in the image below and choose whether you'd like to make the text bold, underlined, italicised, left aligned, right aligned, centred or a different size.

A quote on the front of a card

Whatever you write on the front of the card will also be displayed on the back of the card. If you select the edit button on the card, you can add extra information, links, images or other material to expand upon the quote you've found. You can also highlight text on the back of a card to make key passages stand out.

If you've found the link on a website you can paste the website's address into a new card, giving you an embedded link to the site on the back of the card.

Formatting text on the back of a card
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