As you build a collection of boxes you can choose the sequence that they're shown on the Home page.
Choose the reorder boxes option at the top of the page and you'll see three options:
Reordering boxes only affects your view of the boxes – including boxes in a team workspace or any that have been shared with you by another Shooglebox user.
When Manual sort is selected, click and hold the box for a couple of seconds and then drag the box to the position you want it to appear. You'll see that other boxes move out of the way to create a space while you're dragging it. Drop the box into the space created and it'll move to that position.
Any new boxes that you create or are shared with you will automatically appear in position 1 at the very top of page and you can then drag that box to a new position if required.
Manually reordering boxes only affects your view of the boxes – including when you're repositioning shared boxes in a team workspace or boxes that have been shared with you by another Shooglebox user.
Reordering by 'Recent' boxes will display boxes in reverse chronological order based on when you last opened the box. The most recently opened box will always appear first.
When boxes are reordered by 'A to Z', they will appear alphabetically. Any new boxes that you add or that are shared with you will automatically add in the correct alphabetical position.
Shooglebox Pro subscribers also have the option to archive boxes they no longer use but don't want to delete. Find out more about Pro.